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Great Awakening

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Последние сообщения 7

2022-06-24 06:38:47
Bipartisan Senate Gun Control Bill Passes Procedural Vote

14 Republican senators joined all 50 Democrats to pass a procedural vote on a sweeping gun control bill on Tuesday night, with a full vote expected later this week.

Suggested provisions include:

10 days to review juvenile and mental health records for under-21 purchasers
Millions of dollars designated to states to promote “red flag laws”
“Boyfriend loophole” closed to ban unmarried domestic abusers from buying firearms

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell backed the “common-sense package” that he believes will uphold Second Amendment rights, but the NRA slammed the proposed legislation as “efforts to deprive law-abiding citizens of their fundamental right to protect themselves”.

Sensible compromise, or federal overreach?
4 views03:38
2022-06-24 06:38:47
Any Attack on Lithuania ‘Would Be an Attack on All NATO Members' — Washington Responds to Blockade of Russian Exclave

The US says that it “appreciates” anti-Russian sanctions imposed by EU nations and that its military is committed to the defense of Lithuania, after the country banned some Russian goods from passing through its territory to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

“We stand by our NATO allies, and we stand by Lithuania,” US State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters.

“Specifically, our commitment to NATO's Article Five - the premise that an attack on one would constitute an attack on all - that commitment on the part of the United States is ironclad”. 
5 views03:38
2022-06-24 04:01:01

We have a big announcement for every Patriot!

The First Physical Donald Trump NFT Portrait With His OWN Signature has been authorized by the crypto NFT desk as the ONLY NFT that will change the HISTORY!

2009 was the year of Bitcoin,
2013 was definitely a year of the famous cryptocurrency Ethereum, this year the world will be shocked by the Trump NFT!

The prices will be increased by 3000% in first month!
Be a part of a whole new moment and
become rich in one month
President Donald Trump is making everyone
rich and financially free by making his own
physical NFT collection and releasing them
by the lowest prices so everyone can
afforded and become rich in only one month
of possession.

11 views01:01
2022-06-24 03:37:01
The feds just raided former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark’s house on the same day the J6 Unselect Committee is slated to have a hearing focusing on how Trump pressured the DOJ.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the Unselect Committee is desperately looking for something to capture the public’s attention.

Sorry losers, this ain’t it.

10 views00:37
2022-06-24 03:37:01
Kash Patel expands on what his role will be to make the documents in the National Archives available to the public.

“Only half of the Russiagate documents are out there… President Trump declassified all of them, but his White House counsel & company disobeyed a presidential order and implemented federal governmental bureaucracy… to basically send the stash to the National Archives and now that’s where it’s at and they thought we would stop and say forget you. Well we don’t take a knee.”

Things are about to get very interesting! LFG!
8 views00:37
2022-06-24 03:37:01
Kari Lake embarrasses CNN reporter then walks away like a boss.

"I'll do an interview as long as it airs on CNN plus. Does that still exist?
I didn't think so because the people don't like what you guys are peddling. Which is propaganda."

Mic drop.
8 views00:37
2022-06-24 01:11:01

We saw this coming! That's why we reminded you several times! If you don't act now you won't be able to buy it even for a way more expensive price...


Take at least 10 cards, because you’ll need them later. TRUST THE PLAN and soon you will understand why.

This is your chance

9 views22:11
2022-06-24 00:30:23
Thousands of UK Gay/Bi Men to Be Offered Monkeypox Vaccine

UK health authorities have decided to extend monkeypox vaccines from case contacts to tens of 1000s of gay and bisexual men, who they deem most at risk of contracting the virus.

Imvanex vaccine will be offered to those with “a recent history of multiple partners, participating in group sex, attending sex on premises venues or a “proxy marker” such as recent bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the past year.”

Monkeypox is not currently defined as a sexually transmitted disease but can be passed on by intimate contact, with data indicating a disproportionate number of cases in men who’ve had sex with multiple male partners.
10 views21:30
2022-06-24 00:30:23
Russia Sets Rules for Foreign Debt Payments

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing a temporary procedure for payments of external foreign currency public debt on Wednesday.

The bond-payment procedure mirrors the mechanism Moscow uses to process payments for its gas, in rubles.

Putin also instructed the Cabinet of Ministers and Ministry of Finance to identify banks for payments on Eurobonds under the new scheme within 10 days and make the necessary technical arrangements.
9 views21:30
2022-06-23 22:00:53
To all President Trump Supporters: The FUTURE Is Now!

The Trump Coin is the Coin that will change our history! This is the second time Elon Musk mentioned it as an investment opportunity!

2009 was the year of Bitcoin,
2013 was definitely the moment of the well known Ethereum, this year the world will be shocked by TRUMP COIN!

Some are watching, others are investing! The choice is yours!

Get at least 50 coins for you and your family and be ready for new beginnings.

Order Here:
12 views19:00